2018 is here, at least for now. But before we get stuck into the new year, let’s take a quick look back at the top 10 posts (by pageviews) that made it onto the SearchStar blog in 2017.

1. Conference Summary: Digital Advertising, 2018 & Beyond

Thursday 9th November saw SearchStar's first full-day conference being held at the Apex Hotel in Bath. With speakers from Google, Facebook, PZ Cussons, covering topics that ranged from Attribution to Behavioural Economics, it was an information-packed day.

Click here to relive the day (and see the presentations)...

2. GDPR: What You Need to Know

The deadline for compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is 6 months away (25th May). Organisations need to act now to prepare for this. In order to help, we’ve compiled some FAQs and links to further reading.

Find out how to get on the right side of the law...

3. AdWords Call Tracking in Google Analytics

Google AdWords and Google Analytics are a match made in heaven. They share data about audiences, report to each other on goals and conversions, and create rich data together in Multi-Channel Funnel reports. But not every relationship is perfect.

Is this the script you're looking for?

4. What is a Good Conversion Rate

Unfortunately, there is no universal ‘good’ conversion rate – it depends. Conversion rates are highly contextual because the rate at which visitors convert can depend on a huge number of factors.

Well, what IS a good conversion rate? Tell me...

5. What is Bing Syndicated Partners?

Have you ever been scratching your head over why CTR's on Bing are looking far lower than what you see on Google for the same search, in the same position? And why the traffic is converting at a much lower rate? The answer could be down to your ads running on Bing Syndicated Partners.

Should I turn off Bing Syndicated Partners?

6. Vision 2017: The Bits that Interested Us

Since the first Vision conference way back in 2010, it has become the preeminent conference at the heart of Bristol’s burgeoning creative sector. In its own words, Vision’s aim is to ‘give delegates a fresh, clear perspective on the current state of our creative sector, and its future.’

Find out if they interest you too...

7. Make the GDN Great Again

Recently, there has been an initiative for advertisers to remove their ads from far-right news and opinion website, Breitbart.com. The thing is, this isn’t as straightforward as it sounds.

Learn how to get rid of those crafty right-wingers...

8. Google Tag Manager: The Scroll Depth Trigger

Google Tag Manager (GTM) officially launched on the 1st of October 2012. That’s right, GTM is officially five years old this month - doesn’t time just fly by?

Google clearly wants to celebrate such an important anniversary, with GTM getting more attention than ever. This time around it’s the turn of Scroll Tracking and Element Visibility.

Discover these clever new tools here...

9. SearchStar Super Social: Iceland 2017

Friday 13th proved anything but unlucky for the SearchStar team this January, as instead of waking up to our usual commute into the office, we found ourselves en route to the Bristol Airport departure lounge.

Yet another reason why SearchStar is a fantastic place to work...

10. Ever Wondered What it’s Really Like to Work at SearchStar?
